Top 10 Home Remedies to Get Black Hair Naturally

Top 10 Home Remedies to Get Black Hair Naturally
I remember my Grandmother; to me she was and still is the most beautiful woman in the world. I remember her ever-crisp, neatly folded cotton saris that she kept in her trunk. Her woolen shawl that held the most soothing fragrances of my childhood, her special soaps which were ‘home-made’ and trust me, they smelled heavenly. I interviewed her for my journal and discovered she was around 90 years of age. Her hair was still ‘jet-black’ and she never had to cover gray hair . It never occurred to me to ask her secrets to her still-black hair, I guess it were those chunks of ‘mysterious soaps’ that she kept tucked-away in between her clothes.
With the age of advanced hair-treatments a ‘thing’ of today, almost no-one has ‘virginal’ black-hair anymore. However, if you jog-down the memory-lane, you would realize that some very old people had very black head of hair. The secret of getting natural black hair is held in nature and natural home-based products without any side effects. Here, I have jotted-down some of those workable natural solutions that would help you in retaining the blackness of your hair. Thick black hair is a sign of beauty and youth. We can get naturally thick hair with home ingredients present in our kitchen.