Eating smashed garlic with salt is good for health
The garlic is very helpful for the health. One piece of garlic is enough to solve some kind of health problems. The new changing lifestyles food habits will invite different kinds of diseases. So we have to practice proper food habits to solve this problem.
The garlic can eat by rough,cooking and using in curry. The homely medicine for treating cholesterol and diabetes is garlic. If we want the good benefits for the body have to eat roughly. When we eat garlic by cooking or burning will loose the oil from the garlic. So try to eat garlic how it is.
By eating the smashed garlic will helps to solve the health problems. Eating smashed garlic daily will give good benefits.
Let us discuss the benefits.
The heart related problems are familiar nowadays. To solve this eat garlic with salt by smashing. This will give very helpful to the body.
Prevention of Cancer.
The cancer will create many problems. And it will be a health issues. The garlic is having the capacity to resist cancer. So its better to eat garlic with salt daily.
Immunity against diseases.
If we don’t have immunity will invite the diseases. So we have to increase the immunity. The garlic is good for it.
Prostate Cancer.
The prostate cancer is health problem in males. The garlic is good to resist against this. Eat smashed garlic with salt will improve the health.
Reduction of cholesterol.
The cholesterol is occurring due to changes in the food habits. The garlic can be used to solve it by eating with salt.
Reduction of B.P
Nowadays it is one of the health issue. Eating garlic will helps to improve the health and to solve the blood pressure.
Remedy for memory loss.
The garlic can solve Alzheimer’s disease which is causing health issues. When we getting aged oxidative damage will occur. It will also can give health and energy for the brain. Eating smashed garlic daily is good.