The benefits of eating Kiwi fruit
For good sleep.
The antioxidants in Kiwi fruit will helps for the good sleep. To treat insomnia kiwi fruit is used.
Health of the heart.
This fruit is a solution for the heart related problems. It helps to prevent the blood clotting. Thereby can prevent the blood clotting in the blood vessels.
Absorption of iron.
It helps to maintain the decreased iron content in our body.
For good digestion.
Many enzymes are included in kiwi. It prevents constipation and helps for good digestion.
Macular degeneration.
Most of the people are suffering because of eye problems. To solve this, kiwi is helping by increasing the vision.
Health during Pregnancy.
More foods a pregnant lady should eat. The kiwi is one among in that. It helps to give health for the fetus also. The kiwi is good for the growth of the child and to save the health.
Prevention of cancer.
It helps to prevent cancer. The antioxidants,vitamin and fibres in the kiwi will destroy the lung cancer,stomach cancer and breast cancer.
Resistance to diseases.
To prevent the infection kiwi fruit is used.
Vitamin C
Kiwi is rich with vitamin C. In 100 gm kiwi 154 percentage vitamin C is present. It will act as a good antioxidant. To improve the immunity also it is helpful.
Presence of antioxidants.
The kiwi will solve DNA problems and cell problems. It will act against the causes for the diseases. The resistance capacity will increase with this.