
Turmeric to counter cancer

Cancer has become the number one killer disease in the world. If not diagnosed early and treated promptly, it would lead to death.Researchers are working day and night to find a remedy to this deadly disease which robs off the humanity thousands of lives every year. Genetic factors as well as unhealthy life style predispose to cancer. A latest study has established that our spices which earn us the highest amount of foreign currency through its export are not only capable of curing the cancer but also can actually immune our body against it. The turmeric and its powder are two essential ingredients of lndian recipes .

Turmeric is an ideal medicine to prevent and cure the cancer, especially affecting the large intestine, so says the new studies conducted by the researchers of the St Louis University, Missouri, U S. The two ingredients present in the turmeric, namely Curcumin and Cylimerin give immunity against cancer. It can also prevent liver cancer. Taking into account these factors the researchers are of the opinion that we should make turmeric an indispensable part of our menu.

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